Sunday, May 27, 2012

Si Piso Piso Waterfall

Si Piso Piso/Tongging Waterfall

Sipiso-piso, Air Terjun Penenang Hati yang Gundah

Minggu, 27/05/2012 11:51:39 WIB
Air terjun Sipiso-piso merupakan destinasi yang tersohor di Sumatera Utara. Pemandangan indah, gemercik air yang menyejukkan, dan alam yang hijau akan membuat hati tenang saat Anda terpercik air dingin air terjun ini.

what'S ur OpinioN???

AskinG oPINIOn

Asking opinion is used when we want to ask someone opinion about something or situation, here are some expressions can be used:
-         What do you think ...?
-         What’s your opinion ...?
-         How do you feel about?

Giving opinion is used when we want to give someone opinion about something or situation, here are some expressions can be used:
-         I think ...
-         I must say ....
-         From my point of view ....

Example of opinion’s expressions
Bara       : Hi, Mentari. Where are you going anyway?
Mentari : Oh, hi Bara. I’m going to the library.
Bara       : Oh. Hey, maybe you can also borrow teenlit or chicklit there?
Mentari : Well, I think that’s impossible, Bara. Because I don’t like those                       books. In my opinion, the stories are not so interesting and                       sometimes they’re so boring.
Bara       : I see. According to me, the books are okay. The stories are based                       on the everyday facts in teenagers’ life.
Mentari  : Then, we have different opinion about it,
Bara       : And I appreciate your opinion.

Read the following dialogue!
Fathur          : Rani, .We will have a vacation next week. How about going                        somewhere for refreshing ?
Hani            : That’s good idea. I need to refresh my brain  too.
Fathur         : I plan to visit Parangtritis beach.
Hani            : I’d rather not going there.
Fathur         : Why?
Hani            : I am afraid of visiting a beach. Don’t you watch Tsunami which                      destroyed Aceh presently. Sea is dangerous.
Fathur         : So, what do you like to visit?
Hani            : Mountain area. It is  fresh and have beautiful scenery too.
Fathur         : I’d be glad to.

1.     What does the dialogue talk about?
2.     Why did Hani agree with Fathur’s idea?
3.     Where did they go?
4.     What did Fathur plan to go?
5.     Why did Hani refuse Fathur ’s Idea?

Make a dialogue using expression of opinion based on the situation given.
1.     You ask your father  to borrow his motor cycle . He refuses it.
2.     Your  classmate ask you to accompany him  hiking  to mount Merbabu. You accept it.
3.     Your  headmaster orders you to clean the school yard. All of you agree with it.