Monday, May 7, 2012



Admiration adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyataakan kekaguman terhadap penampilan atau hasil karya seseorang. Tabel berikut ini berisi beberapa ungkapan yang digunakan untik menyatakan kekaguman beserta denga respon yang biasa digunakan.
Admiring someone/something
·         Wow, you looks greats
·         You look so beautiful/handsome
·         You are really smart
·         Thumb up for you
·         Congratulation.
·         This painting looks so beautiful
·         What a great statue it is  !
·         What a clever student he is!
·      Thank you
·      Don’t say like that
·      Thanks a lot
·      I’m admired
·      Yes, you are right

Example of Admiration
Citra    : Hi, Hen, where are you going to?
Henny : I am going to Dina’s party?
Citra    : Me, too. Wow you look great girl. Your yellowdress suits makes you
             look more beautiful.
Henny : Thank you. You looks so lovely to. Your funny skirt  is very funky.
Citra    : You are welcome
Henny : Let’s go now.
Citra    : All right
Answer the questions!
1.      Who wants to go to Dina’s party?
2.      What was worn by Citra?
3.      What was worn by Henny?
4.      Which sentences expressing uprising ?
5.      Which sentence expressing response to one’s upraising ? 

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