Monday, May 7, 2012



Dalam percakapan sehari-hari ada banyak hal yang mengganggu percakapan atau dialog kita dengan orang lain atau perintah yang disampaikan orang lain kepada kita. Oleh karena alas an itu kita sering meminta seseorang mengulang perkataan yang disampaiaknnya kepada kita. Ungkapan yang digunakan ketika meminta seseorang mengulang kembali apa yang sudah disampaikannya disebut dengan Repetition.  Berikut ini ada beberapa ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan perulangan atau repetition.

Expressions of Repetition
·         I am sorry. What did you say?
·         I am sorry. I didn’t catch the last word.
·         Could you (say) repeat what you just said?
·         Pardon?
·         Excuse me?
·         I beg your pardon?                                            
·         Say that again, please.
·         Sorry, I didn’t follow you.
·         Would you say (repeat)it once again, please?

Example of Repetiton
Nico    : You look very happy, Fahmi. What has happened?
Ferdy  : Guess what? Today is the happiest day in my life?
Nico    : Really?
Ferdy  : Yes. Finally, I got 100 on the last mathematics test.
Nico    : Sorry. Could you repeat what you just said?
Ferdy  : I said I got 100 on the last mathematics test.
Nic0    : What a surprise! But, anyway, congratulation on your big achievement 

Answer these questions based on the dialog above!
1.      Who is get 100 on Math test?
2.      What the expression is used by Nico to ask the repetition?
3.      What the Ferdy says to answer Nico’s questions?

C.     TUGAS
Fill in the blanks spaces with expression of asking someone to repeat what he/she says!
1.      Teacher           : What country hosted the 2012 Olympic Games?
Student           : …………….
Teacher           : Where was the 2012 Olympic Games held?
2.      Coach              : You miss too many balls.
Athlete            : ……………………?
Coach              : I said, you missed too many balls. Try harder.
Athlete            : Sorry, sir.
3.      Amira              : I never miss the National news.
Neny               : ……………….? What news?
Amira              : The national news.

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